The saying goes
"Time waits for no one"
and when you really think of it, it really doesn't, its a not an object which can be put on held or a thing with a personality and waits according to how you feel....
It's a concept that needs to be understood clearly.
It doesn't not change between different cultures, it doesn't change for anyone. It doesn't slow down nor speed up. Its not something obtainable, its not something that can rewind or fast forward. Its something inherit in every religion, every race, every country, everywhere. Its not something that has a price, but yet its something worth treasuring.
"Time, is of the essences"
is another saying.
So the message since the beginning of time, is NOT to waste it. Even though we don't exactly know what to use it on most of the time, LOL, but still guys don't live our lives wastefully.
We wait for that perfect place, we wait for the perfect job, we wait for almost everything we do, why not try obtain it now?! If we don't strive for the success, then we'll never reach it. So the message for myself tonight is quite simple. It's only when it has something to do with romance, does it really cross my mind.
DONT WAIT to find a better place,
DONT WAIT to find a better job,
DONT WAIT to build a relationship,
DONT WAIT to fix up relationships,
DONT WAIT for things that can be done today!
Even though we can only live in the now, my mind is set to wait for tomorrow, but this is the wrong attitude.
With this said, i'll always keep in mind,
dont wait to tell her you love her, cos we never know what may happen tomorrow.