SO attacked once again.
This time its abit more different as the party has seemed to change this personality more satirically.
Some times the amount of "power" in this case, the support he has, up's his "mojo" and cause a more obnoxious personality to come out.
SO even though i believe he is a good person with some of the right intentions,
he still does not posses the same attitudes he held before.
Anyways attack once again.
For mearly consoling him about the way he felt about us. i was told that we "do not support" him.
Heck no i aint gonna support you now.
Nothing but respect goes to u, just hell lose the attitude kid.
i dont care what colour your skin is, what year you was born, what friends you chose to hang out with, just make the right decisions. Think rationally. I kno your upset and angry at times, depressed to even put it.... but