Pʀoȷɛcʈ Wɪɳɢƨ - .x
ɗʀɛɑɱɩɳʛ ơʋʈ ʟơʋɗ. Ɛʌȯƪʋʈɨǫȵɑʀỵ
My word, our wings.
Isaiah 40:31
but those who hope in the LORD
will renew their strength.
They will soar on wings like eagles;
they will run and not grow weary,
they will walk and not be faint.
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Its been quite hard to grasp everything in my head.... things that've happened. its been 6years, 6 years today, that accident. 6years today that accident took one of my best friends away from me. 6years today that accident drove a man to his own death. what does a man feel when all he had in this world was taken from him? anger? confusion? lost?
❤Patrick. Cao. today would be his birthday, same day as his death. he was suppose to be 18 today. RIP my friend. wait for me.
Monday, January 18, 2010
Petal storms and sunsets.
SUCH a good day today!!! like yeh... i saw rose this morning, n arvo :D
pretty as always.... but it took me a while to get there.... i mean like... stupid trains took me to like central....like all the trains from parra headed to central .... WTF?!!!
BUT, it was worth the trip in the end. i got to adventure around epping with rose, she took me to the tunnel where there use to be all this graffiti, but got wiped out. Then we found this lil pond from sewage and there was this tree abv it (on higher ground) n the blossoms were falling on the pond. \i wish i had my camera with me... perfect urban picture. but course she made it worth more than words can say.
then afterwards i made a trip to mum's n just chilled with the lils n afterwards i went bak to see her, firstly i have to say sorry... i lied to her saying i went to visit a friend, so she wouldnt feel bad... bt really i wanted to see u! i travelled around epping looking for this park she lived to and hoped id bump into her, but instead she sprung on me, n we took sunset photos together. ahhhh
 wat a sight she is.
Thursday, January 14, 2010
smiles =D
Ive realised recently that it doesnt take me much to smile, but even more important that it gives me much joy to watch that one smile. I mean you kno that feeling when you see that certain someone smile? like you can escape all of our issues for the moment and just embrace that expression and feel like your on top of the world?
i was listening to backstreet boys all of today while chilling with the sis n bro. i mean even though we did pretty much nothing it was good time. the lil mushroom head is just walking around the room flinging his wii remote while waiting for this naurto page to load... while sis is hogging the tv n playing final fantasy some number.... nyways... yeh eventful day but i couldnt stop doing one thing....
that smile.... story is, that this kid rite,... named cheese was ice skating with this girl called rose, n anyways, rose is insanely graceful and pretty on the ice, that plus shes uber pro!!!! n because she was uber pro, she was teaching super noob cheese to skate backwards, but cheese was too noob, so instead rose summoned all her forces and just spun him, when she accomplished this, a smile the size of a football graced cheese's face.
this is rose =D AND U CAN IMAGINE HER SMILE!!! :D
She keeps the secrets in her eyes She wraps truth inside her lies And just when I can't take what she's done to me She comes to me And leads me back to paradise
She's so hard to hold But I can't let go
I'm a house of cards in a hurricane A reckless ride in the pouring rain She cuts me and the pain is all I wanna feel She danced away just like a child She drives me crazy, drives me wild But I'm helpless when she smiles
Maybe I'd fight it if I could It hurts so bad, but feels so good She opens up just like a rose to me When she's close to me Anything she asked me to, I would
Out of control But I can't let go
I'm a house of cards in a hurricane A reckless ride in the pouring rain She cuts me and the pain is all I wanna feel She danced away just like a child She drives me crazy, drives me wild But I'm helpless when she smiles
When she looks at me I get so weak
I'm a house of cards in a hurricane A reckless ride in the pouring rain She cuts me and the pain is all I wanna feel She danced away just like a child She drives me crazy, drives me wild But I'm helpless when she smiles backstreet boys explains it all :D
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
" If a petal so delicate can form such beauty upon a stem of thorns, then like my love you is a beauty, reached only through endurance, for its worth is unimaginable" -K.T.Y
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
A Rose.
We all know that a rose is a creation of beauty intertwined with nasty treat.
the petals are all placed together to form, something amazing, but to reach this flower og grace, first you must go through the thorns upon the stem.
ever have a bad dream n wen u wake up u think back, whoa that was crap.... wanna see my wake up call?
I cant sleep...=( its killing me. this is going nowhere. Kenny ur a great guy & u'll meet many many many great girls at uni. They'll be better than me. i dont want to stop u from meeting them kenny =( i know u might not see it now but u r gonna do IF YOU DO? think about it... we live two conflicting worlds ><...they say...uni has lots of hot girls and people find their soulmates there!!!! =D Ur life is there. My life hasn't started...i hav 10months. Its not too late to stop this u know =)! how about this. We be normal friends & DONT LIKE each other. & ill let u live life. IF u really cant a gf by 10months I'LL SAY YES,. I promise!!!! Come on!!!! i've never said yes to anyone ^^! so FRIENDS? =) learn to fight it! +OIL! CYA <3bb
I'm REALLY SRRY kenny. but u & i know this is the right thing to do. I'm
sorry if it hurts u =( u dont have to talk to me ever...just promise me dont change =)
good morning indeed. AMARE SINE TIMORE.
Monday, January 11, 2010
our fear?
What makes us really feel inadequate? what makes us feel like we are subjected to torment by our very own selves? the fact we can fail, yet we say its all over, but reality says different.
“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small doesn’t serve the world. There’s nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It’s not just in some of us; it’s in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same….”
--Kevin Miller
tonite ive learnt a valuable lesson. persistence and perseverance, will get you far. As we travel to our destination, we often pick up along the way, whether we choose to use these life morals is up to us. but as we reach our final destination, are we who we really want to be?
i kno who i want to be.
Saturday, January 9, 2010
curiosity fuels infactuations
ive met some1.... just recently... its sorta wierd cos god keeps letting me bump into ppl that i could of had the chance to meet b4 hand but some how he chooses wierd opportune for me to meet them.
this person has been treated wrong. im hear to treat those wounded n hopefully wen this person is well i will, be the one that they can count on.
mission 1.
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
lonely roads, stray through busy intersections
Sigmund Freud once said.
'What good to us is a long life if it is difficult and barren of joys, and if it is so full of misery that we can only welcome death as a deliverer?'
n ive been pondering ova what this really means... i mean yeh sure the message is sweet n simple, enjoy life, but wen i think about it, i wonder really, if one can think this way, as to say that we hold onto only what we regret, all the hate we have pinned against individuals who just leave a bad impression of themselves upon us, what life can be lived by thinking this?
i writing this for a dear friend.
Holding onto hate, does nothing but frustration and regret.. they say laughter is the best medicine for a reason, positivity could be subjected to the fountain of life. i kno i cant even hold onto this idea for myself, to be able to show you that im living by what im saying, but friend, u need you to kno that i have been driven further from u now, only cos i cant stand the fact, you chose to take a darker route, when others around you have offered u other routes, but u stick to familiar cos it suits you best, but how can u really kno if it suits you best if u do not expand?
i wish i can help you, tempers are only ceased by those who control them, fires cannot be drowned out, because we want it to, but because it is a hazard to those who are close to it.
good luck.
blood isnt coloured red for no reason.
I hate how sometimes, when your on a high, that, something, that you may have never encountered or encountered several times before, becomes an obstacle, that sometimes, and i mean sometimes requires you, to let go of something within yourself to keep moving on until you have nothing left.
Jambaroo is tomorrow. n im up at wat seems to be a sensible time n writing this afta one of the most 'graciuos' talks with the one known as my mother or aka, motherFATHER!
ahhhhh wat i did was quite reasonable this time. i wasnt gonna let her try n burst my bubble once more.... so i took some advice from a mentor, n this time ill do wat she says n see where this leads... but this means i have let go of my new play toy.... my mac.... yep.... n this means it's probs gonna get destroyed by my lil bro, aka, the electronic defuser. he has a nak of pretty much destroying anything that can be plugged into a socket, 2 computers, alrdy, on the way to his 3rd, a ps2, n guitar hero world tour..... n how does he do it... it seems the magical recipe for destruction is just wearing boxers all day. ahhhh i dont wanna c my mac be destroyed.... especially with all my music on it.....
ahhh well guess what lads.
LIFE FUCKING SUCKS. friends of mine are now sooo low that really no1 wanna hang with me...... like without having to do something... ooo well
lets get on the ride n see where we go. catchas on the flip side.
"just me."
尹 kenny
God. Love.
o9 Caso
@sydney, soon @Monash
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