i scream.
u scream.
we all scream.
the fact that we can exist together is
today. my dearest of friends, we concluded that today was a day to forget.
so many things went wrong.
so many things could of been better but hey wat am i complaining abt?
i realised today is..... IM ONE FUCKING LONELY KID!
fds rite?
i wanted to sit nxt to lenny n nads today.... but
im afraid lenny mite have a spaz at me. n plus i realised a fd like me is way outta her league.
so good for best fds rite?
so i sat alone. with my bag n a box.
wats the box for u ask?
well i long promised cho to get her a box for our 365.
long story short.
me, my bag, a box and some kfc.
a recipe for complete nigelism.
n top that off i saw JKI, not once or twice today, but FUCKING 6 TIMES!!!! 3 of them avoiding my eyes.
do i have a sign on me that says that im a fucking douche?
am i destined to be part of this one man sindicate.
the real question is
todays potential has just lost itself.
the reality of my situation is
kenny needs to go home.
skins. its so good its bad for u. <3
