its actually...
Kenichi is busy camerawhoring XD
"Busy camerawhoring my ASS", says Kenichi
"Start writing something awesome! People expect awesomeness from my blog!..... Actually I don't even know who reads my blogs......"
I sit and cough violently while keyboarding this message to Kenichi's avid readers.
Meanwhile people look furtively at me, I can tell they're thinking:
I'm just content to infect people with my viral infection...
Sharing earphones, listening to the Fray... and Kenichi's attempt at karaoke...
Not that bad... XD
My wrist is seizing up
Still karaoke-ing, facial expressions, high pitched screeching, hand gestures which threaten to de-nose me....
Speaking of illnesses... GIANT MICROBES
The SPERM - Can someone explain why sperm is wearing a blue ribbon? XD