Ever wonder why the sunset is considered to be one of the most spectacular natural scenes in our world? imagine sitting on a hill with that one u loved, on a picnic rug, her tight in ur arms, as ur watch a pink mellow set into the horizon, from an orange sky... filled with clouds the patterns of silk. that is my dream... just imagine.
anyways thats my lil imagination of wat reality shld be! i had a wierd dream this morning, i was just running away from all of society n ppl i knew.... with a girl, who it is i wont say.... but it some1 who i never really thought would be a good relationship wif... but! we were i suppose running away from all those who opposed us.... n in the end, im bak to reality that iget dumped hurt by her.... n then i wake.... i was thinkin abt this all day. am i seeking for this relationship? i remeber a close friend once said to me, wats so good abt a relationship.. as now i really can tell u the answer... theres is nothing i treasure more along side with friendship, than a relationship. n as i always will strive for the person jst soo i can hold someone, i can treasure her n treasure wat would be a glimpse of paradise!
i guess it would be naive of me to think this way, but i really dont care how it seems, i just want to be with her. i guess i want that perfect sunset, n to hav that i need that perfect person.
n theres my answer in my criteria.
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